Working Near Power Lines Safety Training

As commonplace as they may be within society, power lines are installed as high as they are for a reason; and that’s because they can cause fatal injuries. Often transmitting thousands of volts of electronic current at any given time, their energy levels are enough to kill instantly – so they should only ever be approached with complete caution.


Safe Work Near Power Lines – LGTI

This course covers compliance with working safely up to the defined “safe approach distance” near power lines for non-electrical workers. Also included is the preparation of risk assessment control measures for job safety assessment. Participants will be instructed on the relevant provisions of the Workcover Code of Practice 2006: Work Near Overhead Power Lines.

There are many reasons why a professional may need to access power cables. From a repair or replacement, all the way to general maintenance and re-structuring; these lines are responsible for transferring electrical energy to homes, office buildings and everything in between. As a result, their upkeep is a top priority within modern society.

The only types of people permitted to access these structures should be fully trained and qualified as defined in the 2006 Work Cover Code of Practice. There are instances where an individual may be needed to work in close proximity to one of these types of structures however, and in order to do so they will be also be required to adhere to the aforementioned CoP to ensure that they remain safe at all times.

What is the Work Cover CoP?

Created in 2006, it is a definitive legislation that details the policies and protocols relating to activities that occur within areas featuring at least a single power line. Working near power lines is a very dangerous activity and anyone present should have a firm understanding of the risks involved. That is where the code of practice comes into the fray.

Safety training for individuals and organisations

In order for an individual or organisation to adhere to the above policy, they must ensure that they have received sufficient training. There are two types of course available to candidates, the first relates to those new to the industry and the second refers to those in need of safety refresher training. Once qualified, an individual will be responsible for ensuring that their knowledge is maintained by attending the latter type of course.

Entry courses typically take two days and will consist of an introduction, a practical evaluation, information and then a final assessment. If an individual is deemed to have passed, they will be presented with a qualification that acknowledges their capability to work under power cables. For those with the qualification, it is vital that they are checked to ensure a consistency in knowledge.

This is where the refresher course comes in and it is required to be undertaken annually. The individual’s knowledge will be evaluated and they will be subjected to an assessment relating to control measures and job safety in general. If they pass the course (which can take less than 4 hours), they will have their qualification renewed for a further year.