How to Attract the Right Candidate

How to Attract the Right Candidate


Recruitment is a time consuming and complex process. Among different concerns related to recruitment, one of the most common concerns is how to select the perfect candidate for the job from a huge pile of resumes and applications. Recruiting the right candidate is very critical as not only the business has to bear the cost of hiring an incompetent employee, but it also impacts the business and other employees negatively. A business should be more concerned about attracting the right candidate rather than attracting hundreds of people.


When you are recruiting people, it is essential that you communicate your organisational goals with the potential employees. Making the candidates aware of your goals and vision is a way to connect to them in a better way.


Promote the available position while ensuring that the job description remains concise. Remember that a candidate will apply on the basis of what he sees in the advertisement so ensure the job description is apt and catchy. Providing unnecessary details while missing the most crucial information are some of the practices that may repel the right candidate. Make sure that you work on a catchy title that may help the candidates look out and take notice.


You can also reach the target candidates by various means apart from the traditional print media advertising. Online job sites attract a huge number of job seekers, in addition to various social networking sites such as LinkedIn that allows you to search out the type of candidate before suggesting the position directly to them.


Recruitment process can become excessively expensive when you get it wrong. Selecting the right candidate can make all the difference. Try to make most of employee recruitment as it directly impacts the business.